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  • Job Title

    Exam Invigilators

  • Location

    Newcastle, Staffordshire

  • Posted

    10th March 2025

  • School

    The Orme Academy

  • Salary

    Grade 2 – SCP 8-10 £12.26 per hour- £12.45

  • Hours

    Part Time

  • Description

    The Orme Academy are currently recruiting for fabulous and highly motivated Exam Invigilators to join their team. We are also excited to announce that our school has recently rece ...

Our Academy

Thank you for showing an interest in joining our Academy.

If you require any further information about the roles advertised, or you want to contact the Academy about any other possible opportunities, then please contact Gail Willis (PA to the Principal)

Welcome from the Principal

I am extremely proud and privileged to be the Principal of The Orme Academy and the community that it serves. The sole ethos for the school community is ‘Empowering Learners for Life’. Everything that happens at school is to make us all better people. Whilst we are committed to ensuring that every student makes excellent progress, this concept stretches well beyond academic performance. We firmly believe that every aspect of school should equip learners to be successful in all areas of their lives, both now and for their future. Indeed, every single decision or action taken improves the life chances of all our learners. This is underpinned by ensuring the Academy is a safe, nurturing and happy environment: put simply, The Orme Academy is a great place to learn and a great place to work.

Our overall ethos is held within our ACE values:

Aspiration – aspire to be the best you can be and get the best out of life.

Challenge - be resilient when things are difficult, work hard, welcome new experiences and engage in learning.

Enjoyment – enjoy all aspects of school and build positive relationships.

This ethos and values apply equally to the staff. We believe in empowering our staff to be aspirational and effective leaders of learning and provide a good programme of CPD and induction to support those joining our vibrant community. This CPD includes being part of a large MAT, with its own Institute of Education (IoE) focused on the development of staff. The IoE provides access to wide range of network hubs, subject experts and access to best practice, as well as bespoke CPD opportunities. This is an exciting opportunity to join a highly professional and committed team of staff whilst also playing their part in the success and future development of our Academy.


Benefits for Staff

Talent Pool

Join Our Talent Pool


Across the Trust we pride ourselves on our innovative approach to curriculum design. We want our pupils, regardless of their starting points and barriers, to believe their curriculum is bold, exciting, purposeful, and ultimately leads to something meaningful for them.

We constantly seek to innovate and provide better opportunities to develop both knowledge and skills for life. This innovation comes in many forms, including extending school days to provide a world-class enrichment programme and additional opportunities for essential skills development; the introduction of vocational and technical pathways to develop work readiness in our pupils, supported by leading employers and universities; co-constructing curriculum across all EBacc subjects, to create world class programmes, rich in knowledge and skills; We are also driving PedTech across the sector, focusing on fully digitally enhanced curriculum and close to 1:1 device delivery.

We are currently at an exciting point in our evolution, with collaboration at the heart of our endeavour. We value the 'power of the pack' and strive as a collective, ensuring no school or colleague is left behind.

We take an evidence-informed approach to developing the quality of our teaching and learning and value a non-hierarchical, supportive approach to developing great teachers.

This approach has led to a significant reduction in workload, meaning colleagues can spend more time on curriculum delivery and fostering strong relationships with pupils.

As a people-focused trust, we consider the professional development of our staff as a fundamental responsibility. Where any schools face any barrier, it has the mutual support of the others to call upon for subject specific or general support. Our directors have a wealth of leadership experience and subject knowledge and support staff across the trust to design and the deliver the very best academic experience to our pupils.

Shaw Education Trust

We are part of Shaw Education Trust.

We are a growing multi-academy trust which places high achievement at the heart of all we do. We lead and manage academies in all phases, all sectors and in all communities.

To find out more about Shaw Education Trust, please click here


How to Find Us

How to Find Us

How to Find Us
CB24 4RS


Recruitment Brochure